Monday 29 March 2021

Peribahasa Inggeris - Beggars Can’t Be Choosers

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers


Orang yang bergantung pada kemurahan hati orang lain tidak dapat memilih sesuatu mengikut keinginan mereka. Mereka harus menerima apa yang diberikan kepada mereka.

Contoh Ayat:

Azam: I borrowed this shirt from my friend, but it’s not one of his nice ones. 
Azmi: Well, beggars can’t be choosers.


Peribahasa Inggeris - Beauty Is Only Skin Deep

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep


Perwatakan, akal budi, dan kualiti dalaman seseorang lebih penting daripada kecantikan fizikalnya.

Contoh Ayat:

That gorgeous actress behaved so rudely with the driver – beauty is skin deep, after all.


Peribahasa Inggeris - Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder


Apa yang kelihatan indah bagi seseorang mungkin tidak indah bagi orang lain.

Contoh Ayat:

You may not like the curves of my new car, but then beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Peribahasa Inggeris - Barking Dogs Seldom Bite

Barking Dogs Seldom Bite


Orang yang kelihatan mengancam jarang merealisasikan ancaman nya.

Contoh Ayat:

Azam: I’m really scared to report delay in the project to the boss. His temper is so over the top. 
Azmi: I don’t think you should worry too much about it. Barking dogs seldom bite..


Peribahasa Inggeris - A Thing Begun Is Half Done

A Thing Begun Is Half Done


Permulaan yang baik menjadikan sesuatu lebih mudah untuk diselesaikan.

Contoh Ayat:

He has already won first set in the match. I think he is on course to take this match. Well begun is half done, after all.
